There are many things to consider when faced with a Hurricane or Tropical Storm. One key consideration that you can do before faced with an actual storm to start to prepare your documentation. In the digital age, this can be a fairly quick and painless task. Two key items that I have learned in my time as both a FEMA contractor assisting others in recovering from Hurricane Irma in Florida Gulf Coast and myself after a 1,000 year flood in Charleston it is always a good idea to document your existing facility condition in pictures with GPS coordinates.
We all have smart phones that bring a lot of capabilities to our finger tips. Take the time now to photograph all the large trees, facilities, structures (sheds, fences, gates, etc), and any unique and of value on your site. Use a GPS app like Solocator or GPS Camera for iOS (located on the App Store) to photograph these key features with GPS coordinates. (note, this is not an endorsement of these app, but a recognition of their capabilities). Take photos of those key features WITH the GPS coordinates on the photo and then store then (hard copy or electronically) so that if you need to provide this documentation after a disaster, you have solid proof of where it was located, what it looked like and its overall condition. Make sure you update those photos if their condition or location change any.
Small steps you take like this ahead of a major weather event can save you a lot of work later. Take the time, be prepared!